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Germany grants 1.57 mln euros to support BiH armed forces

SARAJEVO, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — Germany provided 1.569 million euros (1.75 million U.S. dollars) in financial assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) for infrastructure improvements at several military locations, according to an announcement from the BiH Ministry of Defense on Wednesday.
The funds will be used for the renovation, adaptation, and modernization of four military barracks: “Kozara” in Banja Luka, “Zdravko Celar” in Derventa, “Teufik Buza” in Visoko, and a barracks in Kiseljak.
BiH Minister of Defense Zukan Helez said that the assistance will significantly enhance the living and working conditions of soldiers, as well as improve energy efficiency at the targeted locations. ■
